Bill, is a bit cloney. Like 1978 cloney. Brush cut. Beefy kind of muscular. Thick-ish moustache. Not unattractive, but could be more so if he came into this century. He is my age but lives like he's younger. I haven't had cinder block bookcases or a mattress-only bed on a floor since I was a student.
Bill invited me over to help him out. That's what I do. I'm just a giver that way.
He works out a lot and is very into his natural scent. I like his odor too. Sometimes it's a little overpowering, but what is a boy like me to do? He makes sure I get into his pits and the crack of his ass. I'm all to willing to do these things.
Anyway, I get over to his apartment and he's ready to go. He has me strip in his living room before we head back to the bedroom. When we get there, he tells me to put my hands behind my back and stand there. I do. He looks right at me and lets go with a big wad of spit right in my face - and dripping into my goatee. He likes that. I like that he likes it.
He walks around me and I know not to turn and follow his actions. I hear some rattling, but not sure. In an instant - he cuffs the hands that are behind my back. In a way this shouldn't surprise me as his screen name has 'cuff' in it. However the few times we have played he's never brought them out or brought up the subject.
So now I was kind of captive. I've never been good at bondage. I'm obedient, but never felt the need to be restrained. He enjoyed my low level of discomfort.
We went through the various scenes of him humiliating me with his spit or wiping his ripe pit all over my goatee. He made me get on my knees, which when cuffed is a slight balancing act. I sucked him like a pro. He threatened in this state to fuck my ass - something he's never done. And didn't end up doing.
This guy is all about watching himself (mirror) and seeing the after effects of what he's done. He like spit and cum to be dripping from my face. He doesn't let me clean up before making the four story trek out of his building (no elevator). Anyone passing could easily see what kind of guy I am. I care.
Are You Poz?
Thanks for sharing your stories I really enjoyed them (maybe a little too much) keep posting
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