It seems when I'm in DC I always find a guy who sings for their gay men's chorus. In theory, I would not say I am attracted to show-guys, but I guess I'd be stereotyping that they all were. They all seem to have a need to tell me they are in the gay men's chorus too. It's not like I ask it before we decide to hook-up.
5'10", 167, athletic/toned (work w/ trainer), 43c, br/hz, top. He seemed a bit slick, in this kind of sense:

The guy did have a good body and seemed to like mine. We stripped down and went to it. There was a minimum amount of foreplay, as he had to get to his holiday performance of his gay sing-a-long show.
I'm sure he gave me his name, but I don't remember it. It and he were not that important in the big scheme of things. Let's face it, I was a hole to him, as much as he was a dick to me. Nothing personal - just sex.
The guy was all about that. Though I had lube, he brought some. Possibly the biggest bottle I've seen anyone carry - and a type I had never seen. Everyone has their preferences I suppose, but to be traipsing around DC with that much lube, just for a trick. Go figure.
The guy did know how to fuck. Though we started with me on my back, he felt he could get the best leverage with me on my stomach. And to him, that's what it was about: leverage. How could he jackhammer that dick into me for his pleasure.
Again, I wasn't offended at his one-sidedness of this act. It was just sex. I'm ok with that.
He felt ok, but it was nothing extrodinary. But he did fuck like a machine. So good for him. Good for me - to a degree. Just how we started, I assumed it would last longer than it did, but he only had about 15 minutes in him.
That was ok too, believe it or not. He had a performance to get to (other than the one he just had on my hotel bed) and I had a business dinner to get to.
Like I said - it was all necessary. For both of us. And nothing special.
The big question is, did he dump a good load in ya? And if he did, did you go to your meeting with it still up inside?
Good call. See what I mean when I say I'm too close to these stories - I forget these details.
Yes, he planted that load deep up me. I then showered and dressed and took a Metro to my meeting.
I kept it ALL in me.
Next time you are in DC you should try to attend the gay men's chorus performance and then let us know how many of them have seeded you?
You know, just a mention of the gay chorus used to shut my sphincter tight! Bravo for your service-mindedness! :)
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