Friday, December 28, 2007
Dropping a 3 Week Load
Actually, I haven't played since my last post. I tried when I was down in Lynchburg, VA (home of Jerry Falwell and Liberty University). I posted an ad on craigslist and I was surprised (yet, kind of not) on how many responses I got. For a such a fundamentalist place there were quite a few men (and boys) who were looking for action. The harder and longer you keep them suppressed, the more filthy and desperate they become.
Anyway, due to timing of my visit there, I never actually got to hook-up with anyone, though I think it would have been fun to see how they operate. At least I know they exist for my next trip.
As I have mentioned, I rarely jack-off between my encounters and since I have not posted since close to first of the month it means exactly what you think it does. Until yesterday, I had not gotten my nut since the 1st of December. I was 2 days shy of a four week build up.
Even though I would much rather take than give, I felt the need to dump this seed. Two days ago I tried to get rid of it. None of the guys I contacted could find time for it or me. So I hit a park. Still nothing. I don't fancy myself to be good looking or anything, so I hate hate hate it when I am the best looking one cruising. I finally ran into a guy who used to work where I did who sucked me off almost a year ago.......but he was more interested in going home and napping before an evening shift.
It was not until yesterday that I hit the bulls eye. I left work early (it is a slow week) and hit the park again. I was sure I was doomed for the same scenario. After about 45 minutes of waiting, I opted to leave. As I was proceeding to go, I passed a true blue-collar guy in his work van. Hotter than hell but someone I was sure was looking for some head. I was ok with that. You know I'd much rather swallow than be swallowed. So imagine my surprise when he pulled up to me and told me he wanted to suck me dry.
I tried to talk him into switching back and forth, but he was 100% eater. I showed him my dick right there in the park - something I almost never do just because I do not want to get busted there. Luckily he lived close by and so I followed him home.
Standing in his front room, he asked if I wanted upstairs or the playroom. Well - DUH. I picked the latter. However, on the way to it we had to pass the kitchen where what turned out to be his lover was preparing dinner. He looked at us and went back to his business.
Getting down the playroom, "Chris" does indeed confirm that the guy in the kitchen was his lover and that they have a very open relationship. Apparently.
Now - you guys know I'm more than a little experienced, but I almost hate to admit that I've never been in a full-on playroom. Stockades. Slings. Shelving filled with assorted whips, dildoes, lubes, poppers, magazines and videos. It was more like a store. Oh - and mirrors: above and to the side of everything. Being a complete exhibitionist and voyeur, I loved that!
He was down on my dick in almost nothing flat. I told him how long it had been and this time I made sure to explicitly say that the load had to be swallowed. He agreed. Anyway, I had to pace myself, as my trigger was on a lower setting. Almost anything could have gotten me off immediately. Concentration was the name of the game.
My shoes and pants were off in a flash. Soon, I was in the sling, with him sucking my dick. Not horribly comfortable for him, but I loved it. I liked looking up in the above mirror and seeing him not only going down on me, but then munching on my ass. It was a very hot sight.
Deep down, I was hoping his partner would come down and join us. I was really hoping that he'd come down and fuck me while I was in the sling - but apparently they let each other play without interruption. So there was no luck there for me.
Eventually, Chris wanted to be on his knees in front of me while I pounded his face. I could do that - but I warned him that things would be over sooner than later. He was ok with that - and so was I.
It wasn't long until I was shooting and filling his mouth. He held it all there. He made froth and foam of my sperm and continued to show me until I grasped his throat and told him to 'swallow my fuckin' seed'. He obliged.
On the way out, my balls about 2lbs lighter, he stops and introduces me to his lover: (fill in name here), this is the guy from the park. Guy from the park, this is (fill in name here). I nodded and really just wanted to head to the door. I wasn't look to make friends.
I don't know if the lover recognized me or not, but I'm 99% sure he sucked me off about 18 mos earlier when I went to his leather store to buy a harness.
The world of anonymous gay hook-ups is a small small one.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Clank II
But there is something really hot about a guy with a PA. Not that I’d ever get one or want one. I am a 100% wuss when I think about what it takes to go through to get one. I do like the way a guy looks with a heavier gauge dangling from his dick head. Married guys do not usually sport PAs.
I like the way a guy carries himself knowing that it’s there. And as I said in yesterday’s post, I like the way the metal hits my teeth – and let’s face it, the feeder does too.
So it was odd that I had two PA’d guys in one trip. Separate days, but still….. The law of averages and all would say it shouldn’t really happen.
Once again, I had advertised for a feeding – this time it was morning. I had lots of opportunities, mostly from guys who wanted to play email tag, which I specifically said I would not do. But guys are fucking game players – most of em. Normally I can spot the ones who are serious.
…and I did.
He said all the right things. He knew all the buttons to push that one can via email exchanges. When those things happen, I let my defenses down: not requiring or asking for a pic or a phone call.
So when he showed up – again, my door was ajar – I was a little disappointed. He was average looking and body, but could tell even though he dressed the rough part, he was nellier than one would want from a top feeder. Hell, he was nellier than you’d expect from a cockwhore.
But he had a nice dick whose base was wrapped in a thick/wide metal cockring that made his balls look bigger than they were. The shaving did that too. (I’m not big on guys with shaved balls – I like MAN nuts!)
Most of our time was spent with me in the hotel chair, my legs up on the ottoman while he stood next to the chair feeding me. His dick was about 7", but I didn't have much trouble taking it no matter how deep he wanted to put it. Again, I went out of my way to have the PA hit my teeth or run it over my tongue and lips.
Without asking, the guy picked up my camera and just started taking multiple pictures of me down on his dick.....his balls.....and his ass. I never attempted to stop him. I mean, it was my camera.
But this is a newer digital camera and I wanted to try something I had not done before. Luckily, this guy was ok with it. I had never used the movie control on my camera before and well, I'm something of an exhibitionist, so I asked if we could film the final moments before he came.
The guy was game.
He took control of the video and I played to it. There was a little sucking until he was ready to pop. Some went into my mouth. Some went into my goatee. And with the expertise of a better than amateur porn, but not quite as good as professional porn - we executed a good scene. The guy (never got his name - never cared) took his dick, rubbed the head in what spooge missed my extended tongue and then pushed it back into my mouth.
The clip lasts only about 1.5 minutes, but it is not bad.
I know what you're all thinking: why am I not posting it here? It shows a bit too much of me. What little anonymity I still have, I can't see how I can truly throw it up here.
Of course, I'm thinking about all the other vids I can do and the scenes I can concoct.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Clank I
One bad note is that one guy I had seen most times while I did visit DC has moved to Florida. He was a great fuck with an incredible dick. ….but people move on and there are many many others out there who are looking to pop their load into a willing hole.
I hate to say it, but the first guy I hooked up with was by far the best. Why do I hate to say it? Well, no one wants to peak too soon. But what the hell – he was so worth it.
John Doe (yes, the name he used in email) responded to my craigslist ad and also picked up on what few nuances I had in there – especially when it came in regards to verbal and aggressive behaviour. He had a timeline that wasn’t quite matching with mine – so what did I do? I said screw my obligations and did what I had to do. I’m a sex addict. It IS what I do. Consequences be damned.
During one of our phone conversations, John mentioned he had a PA and whether he should remove it before coming over. My response, I believe, resonated with him – “but how would you hear it clank against my teeth if it wasn’t there?”.
John told me what time he’d be arriving and to make sure the door was unlocked, that I was stripped and on my knees. I did as I was told. Naturally, I had the poppers and camera at a not too far distance.
He was all he promised and more: similar stats to mine, though he was more solid (not fat). GL married, masculine, DDF, thick 6.5.
I am here to tell you the man was more than 6.5”. I love it when guys estimate themselves on the low end. As we all know, it is usually the other way around.
John came into the room with all the confidence you want from a feeder. He walked up and stood in front of me expecting me to de-belt, unzip and pull out his cock. And it was something I wanted and was thrilled to do.
For extra effect, I had his PA hit the enamel of my two front teeth. His response was immediate – a sly, devilish grin. I knew I was pleasing him.
We went through a few positions: him standing in front of me while I remained kneeling, him on the bed, legs spread, while I remained kneeling and then finally, him kicking back in the hotel chair- with, yes - me kneeling between his spread legs.
His mouth was foul but not too much so. Not that a truly foul mouth would upset me in the slightest..
He urged me to take him all the way down – and as you can see, he is a thick-dicked man. I can’t say I gagged, but I’m a bit more experienced than your average cocksucker. I took him to the pubes and loved it. I let my tongue dance on the underside of his dick and he loved it.
His hands were at the back of my head, at times taking over how fast and how deep his dick should go. If you read this at all you know that I love it when a guy takes over – or even when he thinks he’s taking over. I wasn’t manipulating this guy at all….he had an agenda, and it just happened to be mine as well.
Mr. Doe was sitting back in his chair, his head all the way back when he vocally informed me that he was nearing climax. Not that I couldn’t tell anyway. You know how the body changes – and not just the extra stiffening of the dick or tightening of the nuts. It’s the entire movement of chest to toes. The gearing up for something big.
And it was. Well….not huge, but it was a great volley of cum that was hitting my tongue and roof of my mouth. I think he wanted to bury it, and I should have let him – but fuck – I wanted to taste his seed. I shouldn’t be so selfish next time.
…and I am hoping there is a fucking next time (or a next time fucking!).
He dressed and had me just sit there on the floor….naked…..and he just opened the door and walked out. For a few seconds I was visible to anyone who would have walked by. Unfortunately, nobody did.
Monday, December 10, 2007
The Non-Swallowers
I’m just telling your I do not understand. I have never understood this behaviour. Ever.
Though in the next few days I will get to some experiences I had on my last business trip, the ones that have been first and foremost on my mind have been one day of events where I ceded my right to be eater so that I could feed.
My other stories will tell of wanton depravity (duh), but after awhile, as it seems to happen in my travels, I find myself with a 2+ week load built up in my nuts. And as much as I do not identify as a feeder, I do feel the need to not to just jack-off and waste my seed either. I’m a riddle that way.
So with a well-placed ad and a picture or two of my 8” dick, in a matter of 15 minutes I had a number of guys to choose from. All I can say is I’m lousy in my vetting process. Never once did I ask THE question: are you going to swallow my nut?
I guess being the kind of eater that I am, it never really crosses my mind to ask, because it’s never really an issue NOT to eat the load. For me, it always goes without saying. I impose my “values” on others that that is how they should be doing their cocksucking. Silly me.
I should have turned guy #1 away. Not only was he average (not that there’s anything wrong with that), and maybe he didn’t realize it, but I did: I had been with him before (and not that there’s anything wrong with that………usually). The guy was fair at best the first time. Had I realized it, he never would have gotten an invite the second time – and the first time, I blew him!
He did an ok job on my dick, but a little breeze at that point would have gotten me off. Me dumping my load was not testament to his oral abilities.
I had a huge load and told him to start swallowing. To his credit, he didn’t gag, but I was soon to learn that was because he was storing it all in his mouth and nothing entering his throat or going down his windpipe by accident.
Immediately he got up and walked quickly to the bathroom. I was deflated, knowing what he was doing. It only made matters worse when I heard him fricking gargling!!! The fucker opened my hotel mouthwash and started cleaning out his mouth AFTER he spit my load down the sink.
I’m a master swallower and even if a guy’s load is bitter, I do my job and gulp it down. I’m not saying my load tastes bad or good – I don’t know with this load – but I didn’t really give a fuck either.
I hustled him out as fast as he could get out of there.
Not long after, I had another guy who answered. The guy was hot. Nice dick – nice face – nice body. But I told him I had already gotten my load off – and that is was a not great experience, but he talked me into inviting him over anyway. I’m sorry to say I’ve never been great about getting load #2 off so quickly, but what the hell.
I had things to do, so I multi-tasked and started taking a shower. I left the door ajar in case he showed ….and he did.
He came into the bathroom and pulled the curtain back. He grasped my soaped up dick and started stroking it. It felt good and I was instantly hard. And I mean HARD.
I hopped out of the shower and he was already naked and waiting for me. The guy had an expert mouth – and I should say he could have blown me all day long. He kept saying anytime I’m in town, I should call him because unlike the first guy, he’d give me what I needed.
I let him edge me for awhile and I was laying back on the bed when I told him I wanted to unload. And he went for it. Perfect.
…or so I thought.
As I started to shoot, he just let the load slide out of his mouth, down my shaft and into my pubes. WTF?????????
…and he was fuckin happy to do it. Thinking he was doing ME a great favor. He wasn’t. So now, not only was I already showered and had one bad blowjob – now I had a second massive load that was clumping in my short hairs…..along with a good blowjob but a bad finish.
It is possible it is me – but I don’t think so. A true eater gets the load. Always.
Maybe I should just stick to eating – and give up on the feeding aspect.
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Again, I arrived sometime in late afternoon. This is a very blue-collar area, so I assume(d) that the people populating the ABS would be shift workers. The parking lot was packed, but no one seemed to be back in the booth area after I paid my entrance fee and wandered into dark. Apparently all the men were next door at the titty bar. Oh well. I wasn’t about to let $10 go to waste – I plopped myself in a booth to watch some bad porn. Seriously, some of the worst porn I had ever seen – gay and straight. Bad amateur porn would have been much better!
One or two guys came by for a look-see, but nothing that even remotely captured my interest. Hell, I hadn’t even taken my cock out yet – as I did not want it to infer interest until I was good and ready.
But as these things have a way of happening, the movies (as bad as they might be), the atmosphere and the horny man inside my brain always get the better of me. I started looking at guys in a sexual way that in normal everyday activity I might not in other circumstances.
A man in his late 50s or early 60s was now in the booth across the way from me. He was peering out to see if I was looking at him. Clearly I was. He hauled out a decent 7” dick which was very thick. I was game at this point.
He came over and I went down on him. He let me blow him for about 10 minutes before he insisted on going down on me. I can take or leave that from just about anyone, but figured if I let him swing on it for a bit, I could finish him off and move on to another guy.
As he was down there, another guy walked into the booth. Maybe early 30s…slim, pale, glasses, bald but with a skull cap. Not unattractive, just like he was post-chemo and continually fighting off a cold.
He unzipped and hauled out a decent looking dick. 7” and the smoothest skin I can remember on a dick in a long time. I know this because I leaned over and took him in my mouth while the other guy sucked me. Eventually the other guys stood up and I alternated between the two.
When I was on the younger guy, the older guy couldn’t hold back and started to pop his nut. I tried to get back on it, but he wouldn’t let me!!! Instead of making a mess everywhere, the younger guy leaned over and caught it in his hand. At first he was going to offer it to me, but then rubbed it all over his cock and pointed at it. Knowing exactly what to do, I went down on his dick and cleaned off the other guy’s spooge.
Those acts don’t happen that often and it is such a hot thing to do. And for whatever reason the sperm tastes and feels so different if you do not take it from the spout. I’m not even sure the provider of the jizz even knew any of this happened, and the younger guy didn’t seem to give any reaction to what had just happened – like he did it every day. …and maybe he did for all I know.
After the older man got himself together and left, I tried working on the younger guy, but I couldn’t seem to get him fully hard. I figured it out soon enough when he went down on me – he was probably more of a cocksucker than a feeder (just like me!). While he was on his knees, another guy appeared at the door. And what a fuckin guy he was.
Brush cut – standing maybe 5’10”, full build with a local high school wrestling t-shirt on. He was too old to be a student – since he was probably late 30s, but looked the part where he could be a wrestling coach!! Hot stocky build and when he opened up his jeans – out fell a nice 8” dick.
While younger guy was still down on me, I went down on this guy. He fuckin loved it – but trust me, so did I!!! Naturally the younger guy wanted a piece of it and who could blame him. Coach (as he’ll be known from here out) and started playing with my nipples which was totally hot. But without too much warning, he was gone.
The younger guy still wanted to suck me, but Coach had me riled up and I wasn’t looking for anything less – so I went out into the maze looking for him. As it turns out, I ran into him in the hall and he asked if I was leaving. Without a word I went into another booth – and he followed.
Calling me a dirty cocksucker, I was on my knees in my suit taking out his hardening dick. I gave it everything I had because the cock was so hot and so was the man. I did not want to disappoint on any level. And I don’t think I did.
Coach, I think, would have liked to be dirtier than the location allowed, though I was willing to do whatever was necessary. On a number of occasions his cellphone rang and he said he should answer it and tell whomever was calling what I was doing to him. I’m not sure what kind of reaction he excepted of me, but I completely encouraged him to do just that.
With my response came a series of name-calling and telling me he thought he should shoot his load all over my suit, tie and dress shirt. Though I hate to lose any seed, I would have worn that load proudly wherever he opted to deposit it.
Luckily for me, and I think for him the entire load went in my mouth. Sometimes I think guys will say those things (about shooting certain places) not only to try to turn the eater on, but to gauge our reaction to see if we are receptive to swallowing their batter. It’s a passive-aggressive thing, that if the guy does it right, works perfectly – for him and the eater.
At that point, I didn’t really care where the load went – as long as it wasn’t on the floor.
It was not a huge huge load, but I’m guessing this guy doesn’t go without, no matter where his travels lead him.
After he left, I noticed the younger guy still hanging out. I almost felt bad that I ditched him for someone hotter - but that's life. I made it up to him though. He looked into my booth and there I was, standing on the seat with my crotch at his mouth level.
He said he could take the load, but he started gagging and spurting before I even began to shoot. Granted he eventually took it, but I was afraid I'd have jism all over my pants. ...and no one wants that.
All in was a good day.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
BikeGuy - SuperGenius!
Ok....I take very little stock in these on-line rating things. I put in URLs of people I know who are actually much better educated and written than my sex blog......and they get Elementary level or Junior High. Hell, even Andrew Sullivan and the Daily Kos are only High School level.
On the other hand - I don't write poorly and I'll take accolades anywhere I can find them.
Of course, this readership should take solice in that if you're reading and understanding anything I'm writing - you're at a Genius Level yourself.
Give yourself a big round of applause.
...and the way I see it, posting this buys me maybe a day or two to get another encounter written and up here for you all. I'll be doing some traveling over the next few week - and you know how I always come back with stories from those trips!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Sunday, November 11, 2007
I Need A Win
My last few encounters have been you've all read. And there are a few you have not read about.....yet. Here's just another one, or two....possibly three. All in my last long work trip.
1. Trucker Guy
Let's face it - the Over the Road trucker is a huge gay fantasy and one I fulfilled at the age of 16, but it is one that never diminishes. So when a trucker answered my craigslist ad and offered to drive 45 minutes into the city to give me his nine day load, I took him up on it.
It was a bust from the word go. Totally hard, I could not get my mouth to his dick due to his belly. Completely erect he had to be less than 4". It was no fun for me, and even in bad situations, I can fake it until one of us finishes and we call it a day. I could not be that generous with this guy.
I tried blowing him from multiple angles, but none of it was working. I couldn't believe he thought it was either - but I never asked. After about 20 minutes, I told him so and he took it well and dressed to leave. It has dashed my trucker dreams - at least for awhile.
2. Leather Jock
Again - a promising bloke who just didn't measure up to his ad or pics. He wasn't horrible by any means, but for answering an explicit ad spelling out that I wanted dick and cum - I ended up having to thwart his attempts to suck me or want me to fuck him up the ass.
I don't understand what possess guys to make the trek to someone's hotel room for a specific fact and think you're going to change the rules of everything you've read, along with an exchange of email messages. Like the leopard, I don't believe we change our spots - certainly not like that.
Needless to say, I DID get his load, but when he emailed back for repeats all his messages were promptly ignored.
3. Best of this Bunch
Again, someone who either cannot read (I requested ht/wt proportional), or someone who is nto aware of body mass index and what it means. I don't mean to sound cruel, but c'mon....we all have our likes, desires and turn-ons. Personality might trump a certain look if this were a relationship - it is not. It is unadulterated sex. I wanted what I wanted - nothing more, nothing less....especially the latter. I will always take more.
The guy had a better attitude than the other two....and a slightly bigger dick, but not by a lot. But he said the right things and with the right inflection, so I cut him some slack.
Not only did I milk one load from him, but two.
But things do have to change. Either my screening criteria has to be better or I'm going to have to get a stronger backbone when said trick(s) come a-knocking.
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Bookstore Blahs
On two separate days trip for work - driving ones - I knew of an adult bookstore I could stop at. One of those flat fee places where there was no dropping of quarters or tokens. Just endless movies in the booths that had no doors.
The problem was - there weren't endless guys. It was at end of work day, and I remember these places to be teeming with men on their way home who just wanted to find a way to dump a nut. What has happened to those days?
None of the guys there thrilled me, but this is not 'date' material. This is a way to get someone's nut or get mine off. Period.
On trip one, there were some guys just looking and not doing. It'd been a long day and the prospects for getting one of these guys was growing slim. Conversely, it was apparent that I could probably pick anyone I wanted to be the one to get me off.
As I was watching straight porn (ivariably and ironically, I find it hotter than gay), some guy loitered outside my booth. I gave him plenty to look at in a teasing manner: gripping myself through my suit pants......then rubbing. Eventually I started to slowly pull down my zipper....then it got to the point I was about to expose myself. The guy was totally mesmerized.
He stepped into the booth and I looked at my watch. I had been gone for 16+ hours and still had an hour drive home after I scooted out of the bookstore. I let him come in and even sink to his knees.
He was not the best looking guy, and rather heavy set. He did, however, have a really nice mouth. One that pretty easily took my 8" and made it feel good.
The combination of the mouth, my poppers, the movie and being watched from guys who would pass by, stop and stare really got me going. The fact that I had not gotten off in a number of days didn't hurt either.
I made sure he would take my load - and he nodded in the affirmative. And he lived up to his word. I blew a nice big load into his mouth and he swallowed it all.
My next trip wasn't as successful. Fewer guys. Uglier ones at that. One kid did come in and take me almost to the root. I still wanted to suck, but knew that wasn't going to happen.
The kid then wanted me to fuck him. I'm still iffy on this in places that have no doors on the booths....but he made it tempting. When I finally succumbed to needing to get my nut - and the ability to do it up an ass, the kid was too far gone.
I placed my pole at his hole and only started to press in when he blew his balls everywhere. Then immediately started to pull up his pants. I called him a 'fuckin' tease' and walked out and into another booth. He eventually found me and insisted he wasn't - but I was having none of it.
Another guy appeared later and liked my dick but wouldn't suck me or let me suck him without a rubber on.
As if!!!!!!
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Cock Whore
The guy (who I am sure told me his name, but I promptly forgot it) answered a craigslist ad:
45 mwm, 5/7, 190 (i am fit, go to gym 5x a week), br/bl, clean shaven, clean, disease/drug free, 6.5 thick and cut. (that seems heavy for his height, but he really came across as h/w/p.)
He also claimed it was his 2nd time ever with a guy. Maybe. Maybe not. What do we all really believe when someone tells us this? Little to none in my book. Yes, I am highly skeptical/cynical.
He seemed jittery when he arrived. I talked to him for awhile about baseball. I might be a cocksucker, but I do know about the boys of summer. But when that was done, I went over to him and not only was he hard through his suit - but leaking through his boxer briefs too. This doesn't seem like a man who was nervous.
Nor did he look away when I got between his legs as he sat in the lounge chair. Many men would have put their head back and just taken in the fellatio. Not this guy. He liked watching. And I like being the recipient or a third or fourth party.
He let me do my work - at least for the first 20 minutes. After that, I think he felt more in his element. He started truly feeding me. Pushing his dick in my mouth and extracting it. Eventually he had me against the bed just face fucking me. All was right with the world.
He probably got off on not being gay about his actions - and I got treated the way I think I deserve. Demeaning? Probably - but I won't judge what gets you off if you don't judge me.
His dick was thick and really could fill my mouth. He may have short changed himself when he identified himself as 6.5". I would get guess closer to 7".
As we continued on - and I did try to edge him over and over and over - he started testing the waters when it came to his verbal skills. It started with him asking if I liked his cock......then if I wanted his cock.....then if I needed his cock.
All responses were my muffled answers of 'yes'. It's kind of rude to talk with your mouth full - or so I was told as I was being raised.
Then he started with the name calling - and it finally escalated to 'cock whore'. It's not like I could argue with him if I wanted to. I guess I could have clarified that I was a 'cock slut', as I never really charge for my services.
He then started peppering his talk on how good the head was and that he never gets it from his wife....and he was hoping I would swallow everything he shot into me. Though I said earlier in our email exchanges that I would - he might have had the same skepticism I had when it came to actual hooking-up. I assured him his sperm would remain intact with me.
....and boy did the man shoot. HUGE HUGE LOAD. I stopped counting the major squirts after seven. There were more and then the minor ones.
Not only was his wife not providing him head, I don't think she was giving him anyway for release. He said he jacked off the night before, but maybe I'm underselling my oral skills and the art of edging for 45 minutes.
....or maybe it was all the talk of the World Series and the play-0ffs.
Friday, October 12, 2007
I'm Objectionable

But someone wasn't happy with the content. To be fair - I'm guessing someone wasn't happy with ME. But there are a lot worse things out there on Blogger and Blogspot.
Is it possible Blogger might turn me off? Sure.
Is it probable I'll just pay some $$$$ for someone else to host me? Absolutely.
Everything's archived, so it is not like I'll lose anything.
Don't worry folks. I'll keep plugging away.
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Do You Get the Jist of the Song Now?
Kansas City - I dunno. I was there for only a day/night, but man it was hard to find anyone I would want to hook up with at all and those guys weren't taking the bait. I guess it's true - beggars can't be choosy.
Phoenix was a different story. I shouldn't have been looking at all. I was outside of the city by a bit and at a resort..........with two-thirds of my company and our clients. Not the optimal time to be even attempting to see what was out there. Nothing could happen. Oh - and I had to share a room with my boss? What is this camp......when I'm 12?
On the way home from Phoenix yesterday, a song came on my iPod rotation that soooo describes me, I think. It might be my unofficial anthem.
It is about seven years old and I always smile when it comes on. If I'm alone, I'll sing it too.....aloud. You can't really do that on a DC-9. Well, you can, but you get some awful funny looks.
The artist is Poe. The album is Haunted. The song is 'Not a Virgin'.
I'm not a virgin anymore
I just thought you should know
Darlin' I've been around
I took a walk up your block
In fact I have been all over town
Down by the lake
And underneath the table in my living room
But side with the blue blue moon
You can call me what you will
Call me a slut call me a jaded pill
But darlin I've got your number now
I'm not a virgin anymore
I've been taken
I've been hung up
I get down and start it over again
I've been open
And I've been closed like a book
And burned down like a written sin
I just thought you should know my darling
Before we begin
I'm not a virgin anymore
Just thought you should know
Before you let another lie
Slip through those crooked little teeth
I don't think you wanna start that shit with me
Much better yet
Tell me something dangerous and true
Oh yeah that looks much sexier on you
Careful what it is you say
'Cause I can see right through you
On a cloudy day and darlin' I think you wanna play
I'm not a virgin anymore
I've been taken
I've been hung up
I get down and start it over again
I've been open
And I've been closed like a book
And burned down like a written sin
I just thought you should know my darling
So if you wanna play dirty darling I'm gonna win
I'm not a virgin anymore
Been there done that
(Say what?)
Get the hang of it
Get screwed
I screw you I had a whole lot of fun with it
I've had enough now so you better take a bow
It's gonna be a new experience if you wanna play with me
Daisy chains and maryjanes
Happy ending fairy tales
Cannot fool me now
I've been taken
I've been hung up
I get down and start it over again
I've been open
And I've been closed like a book
And burned down like a written sin
Hell I've been divided
Out of my mind and reinvented again
I've been ignited and then uninvited
So honey
You break it up
I'm gonna put it back together again
I just thought you should know my darling
Before we begin
I'm not a virgin anymore
I'm sorry, I'm sorry
Do you get the gist of the song now?
I'm off to Chicago in a week and a half and then directly to DC for a full week. I'm thinking I'll be finding some action. Until then - I might have to entertain you with tales from my past.
Any requests on what kind of encounters you'd like to hear about??
Monday, October 01, 2007
Saturday in the Park with Bike
Rick is one of those guys who is hot, but has no idea. Taller than I am (I'm guessing he's like 6'4"), and a total daddy type. But a hip with it kind of dad. Brownish hair that is slightly greying ever so. I would do him in a heartbeat. I wonder how disconcerting it is that I come in after months and address him by first name without ever having to look at his nameplate. ...maybe he does know he's hot.
Alas - it was not meant to be and he's one of these guys I have no idea how to approach. Plus if rejected, he's got my car's life in his well as all my personal information.
Afterwards, I was a little horny. I had been on-line for 90 minutes mostly looking at male erotica (or reading it) and was all worked up. About 15 minutes from the dealership is a park I used to frequent....actually as early as this July. I even wrote about it here.
In that post, I mentioned in that post about a 'hot MF' sitting in his car ignoring my presence. The nerve! Wouldn't you know it - he was parked there when I pulled into the little lot. Still looking all fucking hot. This time he paid me a little more attention, but not much. I wasn't counting on anything since he left me high and dry last time. I figured I was not his type.
Shortly thereafter, a pick-up pulls in. The guy was ok at best, but at least he more than glanced my way before leaving his truck and heading down a path into the woods. I decided to check him out further and yeah, somewhere in the back of my mind I was hoping Mr. Hottie would follow me.
As I made my way deeper into the woods, going where I assumed the pick-up guy went, I finally caught site of him. He was next to a tree with his jeans slightly down exposing a hairless ass. Maybe he was pissing...maybe not. I kept walking till I came upon him - and actually passed him. Sure enough, his front was exposed too with a decent sized cock. I looked at it, then up at him and then continued to walk deeper into the woods, eventually finding a fallen, rotting tree to sit on. This way I figured if he wanted he could stand right in front of me and feed a hungry cocksucker.
Barely did he make his way over before he said someone was coming. And damn if it wasn't Mr. Hottie. There he was keeping somewhat of a distance in his slightly mirrored sunglasses, his ballcap, and work-clothes that made him look like he worked in automotive service. The 5 o'clock shadow really fucking made the look.
The pick-up guy started rubbing himself (again) and I was too, though much more subtle. Somewhere in the back of my mind I wondered if the Hottie was always there because he was Johnny Law. Every once in awhile in the back of my mind I think 'my luck has to run out sometime' when it comes to public sex. (not that it hasn't twice before - but those are other stories.)
But Mr. Hottie started rubbing too - but still my back was up. I felt a little better when pick-up guy exposed himself and no one was arrested. Then I swear out of nowhere another guy (count 'em - #4) came out of nowhere.
He was an older (50-ish) black man in a t-shirt and running shorts with a baseball cap. He stood next to me, placing one foot on the fallen tree and having his bound-up, big, hard, black dick come out of his shorts. He was already erect and just played with it.
I felt even better when he went over to the pick-up guy and started playing with him. Once again, pick-up guy exposed his ass and I was thinking 'man, this guy wants fucked!'. As all this unfolded, Mr. Hottie had his eyes on nobody but me. How could I be this lucky?
Mr. Hottie walked directly past them and next to me and took his dick out from his Cintas work pants. I undid my 501s and took out my dick. I was bigger and thicker than the other two white guys, but the black guy had it over all of us in means of size. But after a few, I barely noticed the other two guys at all.
Though I desperately wanted to kiss this guy, out in the woods in a public park is not the place to do that. This is for quick get-off and go kind of activity. I had to respect that.
We stroked for a few minutes, each of us scanning the perimeter. I bent over went down Mr. Hottie. His dick was thin, but around 7" long and cut. I only stayed down on him for a minute or two but gave him the idea of how good a cocksucker I was.
Mr. Hottie made the mistake of playing with my nipples. He sent me over the edge with his rough hands - and I really knew there wasn't much we could do about it there in the park. As you know - guys who play with those on me can get me to bend over with ease.
As I stood up from sucking Mr. Hottie, I did notice that the black guy firmly had a few fingers up the ass of the pick-up guy. Black guy was looking at me watching him. I then went back down on Mr. Hottie for a few more.
Taking a break and him going back to playing with my nips, I did the same for him. He unbuttoned a few of his buttons on his work shirt to expose an extremely nice chest with a generous covering of hair. I leaned in and licked at them. He seemed to like that a lot - though he was a very quite sort....and I think I know why. He took his mouth to my nipples then and when he did exposed a side of him I had not seen yet - and he had a hearing aid. No biggie to me - in an odd way it just made him hotter to me.
In a surprise, Mr. Hottie went down on me. I was so hot for him and had been stroking my dick while sucking him and watching the other guys - I came dangerously close to shooting. Luckily, he pulled off and I retained normal excitment levels.
The pick-up guy was just watching us, with his ass sticking out and the black guy had at least three fingers buried deep in him. I mouthed to the black guy 'fuck him', but he just shook his head 'no'. Too bad. I would have liked to have seen that.
I went back down on Mr. Hottie and he had a massive drop of precum on the top of his dick. I wasn't sucking him long before I knew he was going to blow. He pulled out, pushed me away and I heard him say he was going to cum. Well fuck if I was gonna let that happen without me getting it.
I got back on his dick and when he realized I wanted it (he must have had too many guys pull off - though who the fuck wouldn't want this stud's jizz?), he wrapped a hand around my head and I drank him all down.
The most surprising thing is that he didn't zip up and leave right after. He grabbed my dick and started stroking me. The pick-up guy must have liked the fingers being up his ass and shot off a really really nice load. In a way, I'm sorry I didn't drop to get it, but I wanted to stay as focused as possible on Mr. Hottie.
Mr. Hottie stepped away and I took over my own stroking. It didn't take long - and I pumped off a big load that some squirts shot out about 3-4 ft. At that point, Mr. Hottie nodded at me and headed up the path back to his car.
Pick-up guy had left too and the black guy went even further down the path to lord knows what. I gave the first two guys a head start before heading back to my car. It'd be odd with three guys exiting the woods within 1-2 minutes of each other.
Mr. Hottie was hanging out by a picnic table when I left the woods. He nodded in my direction and I got in my car and left. Afterward, I kind of kicked myself for not just handing him my phone number.
He's one I'd want to get into some more play with. But now I know where he hangs out - and what day and time of day I've seen him there before. Let's hope it's a habit.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Houston Visit - pt 3 (final)
We had emailed a few times before the call. And even had one call before THE call. The emails teased me that he wanted to lick my ass - for starters. But when it came down to it, it sounded like he was partnered and couldn't get out of the house. Being the evil man I am, I sexually taunted him - telling him to lie to find a way to leave his residence. He said he'd call back. I did not hold out high hopes.
Imagine my surprise when he rang me back up saying he was 10 minutes away and wanted to fuck my ass. I mentioned something about having the poppers and lube at the beside table and he mentioned I wouldn't be needing the lube - nor would he. He proceeded to tell me his ass eating would leave me wet enough to take his dick. Now you can see his dick (all three pics are his penis) .....and I love the idea of having only spit as lube, but sometimes it is just not the most practical solution. Some things are good in theory and bad in practice. The man was not all talk, and there are not many of them you can count on by meeting via an internet hook-up list.
Once in the room, the man grabbed me and kissed me. I do love to kiss, but am very very particular about whom I do it with. I was very ok with doing it with him and get this - he was GOOD at it. Better than good...and it was all full of
In a heartbeat the man (I never even got a fuckin name....even one to make up here) had my shorts down, me bent over the bed and his mouth as my crack. I have no idea where or how he could produce so much saliva. He went it with a gusto I have not seen in a long long while....and usually the guy who does it with that much enthusiasm is, But I can't lick my own hole. (note to self: start yoga!)
After 10 minutes of ass-eating, he just stood up behind me and I grabbed my poppers. Not that he waited for me to open them and take a hit. Nope. He positioned himself and pushed himself in. As you can see the curve downward of his cock, that was no easy feat. I almost asked if he could feel the load the big black guy left in me, but it'd been a few hours at this point and doubted he could. I think he would have been turned on knowing someone else had been up there - and he clearly liked going into me skin-on-skin. I did too.
He was big and thick and still had to force it up me even though I had been opened up earlier. He told me to fuckin' take it. At some point I flipped on my back and he bent down and really went to make-out with me. ....telling me he doesn't fuck anyone he can't kiss. It's a great line that could of worked on a guy whom I wanted to make-out with and maybe even one I didn't.
I will say, he was the only guy who made sure the other guests in the hotel might have known sex was happening on the premises. Like I said - I don't care. Actually, I love that.
Because of his angle, his thrusts and his throbbing when he started to unload - the combination was too much for me. I could not hold back and I let loose with a big load of jizz of my own.
Not that he cared - but we established earlier on that this was about me getting his load...and we were both ok with that.
I let him clean up, dress and get back to his partner, girlfriend, wife....whatever.
I went to bed with a load in my mouth - and opted not to brush so I could keep the taste...and two loads in my ass....both of which I kept in me until before my morning shower.
G-d....I am such a fuckin' pig........but you can't really change your spots now, can you?
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Houston Visit - pt 1
There were a few others, but the one that piqued my curiosity was this guy:
I'm a very handsome Bi Athletic Black Professional (white collar exec); 32yo, 5ft10in, 175lbs muscular, 8.5inches cut and clean, DDF and non-smoker. Very masculine, safe, sane and discrete.
I responded and he walked over from his office, taking a late afternoon sex break, it seemed.
He neglected to say 'married', but who am I to judge. The wedding ring was the first thing I noticed about him - but that's true of just about any man.
By the time we got back to my room, I could tell he was erect. He went to undo his belt and I stopped him, telling him I would take care of it. Immediately I went to my knees and unbuckled and unzipped him. His cock fell out with almost a thud.
Not to be stereotypical, but the man was hung like what you'd think of a black man. Yes, he was a true 8.5", but he never mentioned how thick the meat was either. Trust me, I'm not complaining.
I went down on him immediately - though I had to stretch my mouth pretty wide to get down to his wiry pubes. I love the way my spit looks on a black dick. It shows me where I've been and what I still have to accomplish or how successful I've done in taking every fat fucking inch.
At one point I pulled out my camera and took a pic of his beautiful meat that curved ever so slightly downward.
I love that in a guy. The one who barely throws it out there seeing what response he'll get. One if rejected can write the comment off to 'heat of the moment', but really hoping the guy putting out will take him up on his offer. I'm just the guy to say 'yes'.
He was on his back and I hovered over him and his erect dick. Before long, I was on my back and he was nudging his way in. And even though he was seemingly concerned about his size and my tightness - he was more concerned about getting all the way in me. He was like a guy. A real guy. The kind who only cared about getting his nut.
He did stretch my hole good as he kept pumping into me. And out of me. And of course, into me again and again. Until he stopped. Oh yeah - so much for 'safe'!
Keith was a silent cummer. Not a word or sound escaped his full lips. Not even a rolling back of his eyes. He never made a sex face - but he got what he came for. I got what he came for.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Houston Visit - pt 2
And I did get a decent response - but the timing was such that I actually did get non-liquid nourishment.
For this guy (notice this series of stories will be a little out of order) was a downtown, married business worker. His office was near my hotel but kept putting me off due to unexpected 'meetings'. I had completely written him off after he failed to call or show.
Hours later he called and was downstairs waiting. By this time I had spoken to so many guys I didn't know who he was - though he was arrogant enough to think I should and that he was the ONLY one. Dickish? Kind of. Hot attitude with that? Definitely.
Again it was one of those hotels with the key card activated elevators. WHY do I keep getting these? Again, it means having to go down and retrieve the guy. I'm not looking for greeting them or awkward conversation on a 5 story ride and a walk down the hall. I want them to push the door open and unzip.
At least this guy was palming his crotch the entire elevator ride and walk to room 505.
When in the door he had me strip. He verbally stopped me from touching him as he took off his clothes, because he did not command it. But then he demeaned me for not being on my knees and taking his exposed cock - though he never gave me permission. As frustrating as that can be for a a guy, for a true cocksucker it can be a great thing: the mixed messages, the double edged sword, the verbal berating. Some of us thrive on that shit.
But I did take him in my mouth. And I took him to the root.
But before long he was on the bed wanting me to lick his nuts. I made the mistake of sucking them and felt his hand slap my head. For all his tough-act, his nuts were ultra sensitive. Ok - I get it.
And when I lick the ball, what can I say, I'm always thinking of licking further south. He liked when I lapped at his 'taint and I knew I was going to make the attempt of even lower regions. I kind of worried about his reaction, but maybe I shouldn't have. He loved it.
Clearly I was not the first guy (or girl) to put tongue to hole on him. He instructed me how he licked it - how far to go in, how often to lick, etc. When he asked if I liked it, and I replied in the affirmative - actually saying 'I loved it' (and I do like eating ass), he laughed and called me a 'disgusting faggot'.
But what I was doing must have been getting to him. I don't think it was 30 seconds after taking him back to the root before he said he was going to drown me in his cum.
I'm sure it's a nice thought on his prowess, but he underestimated my abilities to swallow every drop he shot in my mouth.....which I made sure to show him before I gulped it down. He made sure I squeezed out what little drops were still in the head - and I took those too.
As he was dressing, he asked how many others I had for the night. I lied and told him he was the only one and the only one I wanted. It makes guys like that feel good - and somewhere deep down, they like and want to believe it to be true.
Friday, September 21, 2007
100,000 +
Sometime late yesterday I surpassed the 100,000 time the blog has been accessed. I guess sex does sell. Not that I charge. For g-d's sakes....I might be a slut, I'm not a whore!
I know I have had over 100k hits, but I started the blog in mid 2005 but didn't attach a counter to the site until 2006. I'm only going by the time after I installed said counter. It's only fair.
I wanted to try to isolate the 100,000th person and congratulate them. Mind you- I could never actually tell who it was, just perhaps the city and country they were in. But I only can see the last 100 hits and I was at 100,110 when I noticed I went over into six-digits.
So whomever you were - congratulations. There is no cash prize. No gift certificate. No nothing. However, if you had a nice dick, full nuts and a filthy mouth - I might have dropped to my knees or on my back for ya!
Saturday, September 15, 2007
BikeGuy13 - SuperGenius
You have a sexual IQ of 157![]() When it comes to sex, you are a super genius. You have had a lot of experience, and sex interests you so you know a lot about it. You pride yourself on being a source of information and guidance to all of your friends. Take this quiz at |
Fuck. 157? ONLY??
I think I could teach a few people at quizuniverse a few things about sex.
Friday, September 14, 2007
14 days
You will be happy to know (or perhaps not), that I did dump my nut. It was gratifying and yet in some ways it was not.
I had answered a craigslist ad from a guy who was staying at a hotel not far from where I work. The smaller pictures he posted didn't tell me a lot about him, though the description was ok...and what I could see in the pics looked more than adequate.
I arrived at the hotel with no issues other than the elevators are key card controlled. Is this a new trend of which I am unaware? Great for security - bad for anonymous hook-ups.
The door was ajar when I walked up and I just pushed it open. I got a twinge of regret when the room was black as pitch. I wasn't nervous for my safety - but for the dread of the guy who is hiding something in the cloak of darkness.
Normally your eyes adjust to such blackness - mine never did. Though maybe I didn't want them too.
His mouth was good, but in my mind I had already talked myself into fucking him. I was positioning myself when he produced a condom for me to put on. Damn!
This is not what I wanted. I thought and pondered how to work around this. And damn if that fucker didn't constantly reach around to feel for the fuckin latex upon shaft. I guess I could have said - 'this isn't what I signed up for or wanted', and then walked out - but keep in mind: 14 days!
I was hard. I was lubed up (over and under the rubber) and I was ready to fuck. And let's face it - this isn't my gig and it was right then something I really really wanted.
Maybe I'm patting myself on the back, but I did a great job. I fucked his ass for almost 30 minutes. I had him bent over the hotel table because, if I did adjust to the light, I wasn't sure I actually wanted to see who or what I was fucking. His legs were strong. His ass firm - though not tight tight....if you know what I mean.
But I pounded butt. I slammed his ass. Then I took my time. He begged me to give him my babies. I grabbed the back of his neck and told him to not dare ask for things he wasn't able or willing to provide - and then proceeded to push his head to the table with force.
After 20-25 minutes I started to think I needed to wrap it up. I considered pulling out and cumming on him. He indicated he would take it in his mouth. I asked if he would swallow it. He restated, "I'll take it in my mouth". Fuck that. As much as I hate using and having rubbers on me - spitting out of seed is by far a greater offense. I deemed that I would finish in his ass - even if it was to dump my load in a baggie.
The guy kept asking how he felt. I kept telling him to shut the fuck up. I love to talk during sex - especially dirty talk, but I was in no mood to have discussions with him. I also didn't need him distracting me from the task at hand. It was hard enough to concentrate on the lack and loss of feeling that a millimeter or two of latex has.
After some time I was able to ejaculate. I was doing it all for me and nothing for him. I don't care if he knew I was coming or if he could feel it. I made no announcement to him. I just came.
To a degree he must have sensed it because he started to use his ass muscle to milk me. But I pull out. I wanted to go. I was standing there with my pants around my ankles too long.
I pulled up my pants and made my way to the bathroom. He made no attempt to leave his space. I pulled off the overly filled rubber - looking at it and somewhat proud of myself for how much of it I filled up. Then I laid it right on the bathroom counter - leaving it for him.
I washed my dick. I washed my hands. I put myself together and walked out of the bathroom and his room with out a word. He didn't deserve a 'thank you'......but he should have been fuckin' thanking me!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
What to Do? What to Do?
Shocked - aren't you?
Seriously though - it seems worse than usual. I am having major difficulty focusing at work or anything else just knowing it's been a while since I've gotten someone off (other than guys reading this and pounding their pud) and 14 days since I've dumped a load.
I get erect at the slightest thought or breeze. My balls are so incredibly heavy. That doesn't even cover my twitching hole or empty mouth.
I love traveling for work because it seems so much easier to get laid. There is something appealing about guys hooking up with out of towners. Hotel sex is hot. Knowing that the guy is leaving (even if the guy is me) is a good scenario. It's not full-proof anonymous any more (thank you internets!), but it can be close.
Guys who answer my ads have to be as glad as (if not more so) for the no-strings encounters. Hell, that is why they answer them - no? Even the really good guys, the hot guys, the great fucks - normally I have no burning desire to see again. Some of them - sure.
So here I sit. Balls full. Dick at half-mast. Emailing a guy who is in town at a hotel not far from where I work....who wants it up the ass. You know I'm not normally a fuckER, but today, if he's available and somewhat decent....I might make the exception.
Saturday, September 08, 2007
DC Head
I thought it was ok for me to give something back to the community: an 8" dick and 14-15 days worth of sperm. What can I say? I'm generous that way.
Again, due to timing and availability, there weren't many takers and fewer I wanted to see suck me. It really came down to one. He could make it 15 minutes after I was to be on the Metro, and I told him 'no deal - sorry'. He rearranged his schedule and arrived at the time I needed him....not what was necessarily convenient for him. I know from this behaviour, since I subscribe to it.
Once again, I left the door ajar and he walked right in without knocking. The guy was a pro. Not only professionally dressed, but clearly an experienced cocksucker. He loved it - my dick that is. What's not to love? I do not think I'm being egotistical to say that I have a great dick. I've seen thousands of them - in person and more on-line and in magazines. G-d provided me a great dick. I don't take credit for it or anything. It's not like I work out to make it bigger - it's just there.
He took me to the pubes and I loved that. I like it deep and not as much playing around with the head. I stood right at my 4th floor hotel window for anyone walking by and looking up to see a partial show. If they had half a brain, they could have figured out what was going on. I hope so. As you know, I'm ok with being watched.
All too soon (though, really I had to get moving) I was ready to unload. As I normally do, I told the cocksucker to stop moving and start swallowing - even before I shoot. I know the volume of my loads...and I didn't need him gagging back jizz onto my dress pants.
Unlike other cocksuckers - he really did listen to the instruction. He got every fuckin drop out of me and I was happy to have him do it. Like a good boy - he made a hasty retreat out of the room and I finished packing and checked-out of the hotel so I could get on with my busy work day.
As I expected, he has left me several emails hoping he'll be of service to me next time I'm in town.
Time will tell.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Tag Team
Both "Paul" and "Steve" showed up within minutes of each other. After the ceremonial undressing of ourselves we just got down to play time. Up first: me on my knees going back and forth between their two cocks. Naturally I attempted a dual suck too. That proved difficult due to the fact that they both have big thick dicks. Of course, I gave it the old college try. While I was down there, they decided to make out. They'd been fuck buds for awhile, so that was more natural to them. I can get into kissing, but it's not my mainstay when I'm hooking up.
Eventually they took their turns on their knees as well - everyone sharing everyone else's dick. I did snap a picture of all of our pricks. Notice even though I can grow to a full 8+", Steve (right) and Paul (left) have bigger dicks than yours truly. I am not complaining.
But this wasn't really about sucking dick. It never is with these two. After I initially got pimped out to Steve, I think he has fucked me almost every time I hit the city - and he's happy to do it. As am I.
Soon Paul asked Steve if he was ready to fuck me. I think we all know the answer here.
With poppers in hand and Gun Oil on his cock, Steve eased his big dick into me. He was deliberate and took his time. I appreciated that - as you can see the thickness of his shaft. Granted, I could take it all, but he is a thoughtful fucker.
As always with Steve, he varied the speed, thrust and positioning of his dick into my ass. He mixes it up for him as much as myself - probably more for him. Both men always tell me I'm tight - which might be hard for some of you to believe (yes, I can be slutty), but again, look at the girth of their shafts. I'm guessing most guys are tight to a thickness like theirs.
After about 15 minutes, Steve and Paul switched places. As Paul penetrated me, he made sure to remind me about the first time he fucked me. How I had thought I was only going to suck his dick and how he got up all the way in me, fucked me an unloaded in me.
I so wanted him to cream my ass and have Steve slide into the load left in there. But Paul was not ready to dump his nut yet and Steve wanted back in. Once again, their places changed and Steve was pressing his pubes against my ass.
Knowing exactly what to do, I turned slightly and opened my mouth. As Steve began to groan and pump a load up my ass, Paul started to squirt his jizz into my mouth and onto my goatee.
Steve buried deep, making sure it was all in there. Paul just looked down and smiled at his own handiwork.
...and like the forgotten slut, the two just left me there to go and shower together. I was not invited....I was not expected to join.
I knew my place - and so did they.
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Equally Piggy
DC is very much a two horse town. Politics and service industry. They need someone to feed, clothe and house the business of politics. So maybe when congress is gone, things slow down in general.
As for the timing - I notice that people will respond to ads or post in the morning (before work) or right before the end of the work day. The ones who post later, well, many are up front about working their 420 buzz. That's fine for them - but not my scene. My drug years are behind me.
Unfortunately, my schedule had me doing work on-site(s) earlier than normal and staying later than normal. I missed some of the peak times. I did score here and there, but nothing like my former trips.
The first night I ran across a fellow Buckeye. Turns out he actually wasn't, but just a fan. I just found it a tad odd he'd use 'buckeye' in his screen name when he never actually went to Ohio State. Whatever.
What we did have in common however was our attitudes on sex. The word 'oink' comes to mind. And it just happened that he was 100% top. Works for me.
At first, I wasn't taken by him physically....except for his cock. It was nice. And thick. What he lacked in looks, he made up in verbal skills...and action. I've said it before, attitude is better than looks, dick size or ability. "Brian" was no exception.
He fed me his dick and then made me gag on it. I will say, that is no easy task. I've been sucking cock for a long time. But his thrusts while vice gripping my head was an impressive combo. He was pretty fuckin proud of himself as well. He should have been.
We eventually hit the bed. He wanted to kiss - which isn't unheard of, but I wasn't expecting it. It wasn't passion - it was sex. The kisses that is. He made them intense and almost one sided. Still it worked for me.
I ate his ass. He had me get on top of him to kiss him some more. I took over. I slathered his shaft with my spit and sat on him. He fuckin loved it. So did I.
I rode him. He pumped into me from below. We worked as a fucking team. Then I was on my back....and then my stomach. Then on all fours.
At different points, he drooled into my open mouth (as he ordered me to open), then there was full-on spit. Some hit my awaiting mouth. Some into my goatee, which he just smeared in me. There was talk (on his side) of piss, but we never got to that. Now and again, I'll drink from the tap, but not often. I'd be more inclined to take piss up the ass....but before the fuck to help clean out. It's a great alternative. Pissing ON just to be pissed on doesn't really grab me either - but for the right guy (or the wrong one, I guess) I've done it.
He was taking a fucking break and telling me how he wanted to bring guys by to fuck me while he watched. This is a huge turn on for me - to be watched....even if the other guy never participates. He was telling me about the kind of guys he'd want to watch and he was jacking the entire time. Brian wasn't pacing himself - I could tell. He was getting too excited.
Anticipating what might happen, I opened my legs and spread my cheeks for him, but it was almost too late. He ended up pumping a load into my asshole. He pumped off what felt like a big load, just hitting my pucker. Without a word, he just took his hard dick and pushed all the cum at the hole and then into it. He made sure withdraw a few times and make sure he got the rest of what was external into the hole he wanted/needed to mark. Then he fucked me for another 5-10 minutes with his still erect cock.
It worked for me. It worked for him. I let him leave his number, which I kept. Next trip, if he has those other guys lined-up...I think I can make the time for him an the anonymous buds.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Hook-Up of Lies
I don't ask for much - do I?
He sends great cock pics and decent stats. Plus my ad said I was really only into white/black/hispanics. I go for other guys too - but that is what I was looking for earlier this evening.
The guy shows up....about 50 lbs heavier than his pics or stats. Did he think I might not notice this? Oh - and he's asian-mixed. I guess he thought I'd miss that too.
All of this is overlookable (is that a word?), until I felt his crotch....or lack of one. He unzipped and there was almost nothing there. This is not a joke or the judgement of a bitter man.
Honest to g-d, I have never seen a dick this small. How small? He'd have to pull down his pants to piss because it was not big enough to escape his fly. I kid you not.
I do not know whose pictures he is using to post, but no one is that much of a grower/show-er.
As horny as I was - needless to say, I sent him on his fucking way. Though I never said why (shame on me), I think he knew. I think he gets that a lot.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Who's Your Daddy
Maybe I was horny again. Maybe he broke down my defenses. Either way I agreed to meet with him – in public as he wanted to use a hotel conference room restroom to fellate me. As much as I like public sex, I was a bit wary in these regards. I had not scoped out the space or knew of the traffic flow or peak and dead times. To the public sex guys (like myself), it is important to know these things to minimize the risk of arrest. It is one thing to be watched….it is another thing to be taken into custody.
But my dick got the better of me. I thought he might not show at the designated time/spot, and though he was a few minutes late, he did indeed present himself as promised.
“Dan” was about my height (6’2”). He looks like he’s got a solid body under his work casual work clothes, but I wouldn’t or couldn’t say it’s a hot one. I never saw that much of it. At least he is height/weight proportional. His nose was not big, but the end did look as if it had been broken at least once. I know – I’m a freak. I like a good schnoz on a guy. I also think they more closely determine the size of a dick – better than hands or feet. Dan was probably in his mid-20s.
We walked mostly in silence to the designated restroom. I did have a few issues with the space. The hotel was marginal, but there was a surveillance camera once you get off the elevators and then another one right near the restroom entrance. Mind you – only one at the men’s room. Nothing at the ladies. Typical. My other issue was there was no door to the entrance….it was just an opening with a tiled partition so one could not see directly in to where guys do their business. Unfortunately, you also don’t hear guys coming into the space.
The better news was that the doors to the stalls went almost down to the floor. Not all the way, but enough where you’d have to be lower than a hand & knees position outside to see how many pairs of feet were inside.
I am a man of my word (cough cough) so I was there, I wasn’t about to back out at this time. I followed Dan into the farthest stall, shut and locked the door. You know the drill then – zippers are pulled down, dick is pulled out and then eventually the nuts too.
Dan sat down and did a really nice job on the sucking. He got close to taking me all the way, but not quite there. I am used to that. Immediately he started the hand/mouth combo which typically is not the way I like to do it when I’m an eater, and that carries over to when I’m a feeder also. But it does help speed things up in these kinds of scenarios and public spaces.
Dan then wanted to know if it was ok if he took out his dick. Of course I said yes, if for no other reason than I’m a greedy pig who wanted to see what he had under his work slacks. …and it wasn’t too shabby. A solid 7+” and a good size thickness. If I had not been in feeder mode, I would have loved to swing on that. But time was a-wasting and we were both here for a primary mission: to get me off.
Soon enough Dan was sitting back on the toilet taking me to the zipper. There was no way I was unbuckling everything. One has to plan on the hasty retreats if necessary.
Though I did celebrate a birthday earlier in the week, I wasn’t feeling too much older. That is until he pulled off my dick and looked up at me with those puppy dog eyes and said, “can I call you ‘daddy’”? Oy!!!!
I think any longtime reader of this blog will know an unofficial breakdown of me giving vs taking is about 10% to 90%, respectively. It has never occurred to me that I might one day be a father figure. In my heart (what little there is) and my head, I’m always ‘the boy’. But as the t-shirt says, ‘Even Daddies Need Daddies’.
He repeated the question and it was sort of rhetorical, as you could tell he wanted and needed me to tell him ‘yes’. And I did. Begrudgingly.
After that, I threw in a ‘son’ or ‘boy’ as he really went to work on my dick. Since it had been like 7-10 days since I had gotten off, and he was using his hand – it wasn’t taking me much to get there.
When I was right there, I told him to stop moving his hand, to start swallowing and not make a noise.
I know I shoot a big load anyway – but after a week, more often than not the eater gags on my load. I’m not bragging – just stating the recent facts since I’ve only started letting guys do the job I’ve been trained to do so well. Besides that I was in work clothes and didn’t want to wipe coughed up jizz off my pants – I could not have him draw attention to us by gagging and coughing.
I will say – the boy did a good job. He took it like a sperm-sucker and even lapped up any additional drops I squeezed out….and there was plenty of that too.
The poor guy wanted me to keep my dick out while he jacked off, but I tucked it away. I was trying to minimize our risks. Though I did stay for him to pump off a nice load onto the black marble-like tile. He told me, before he shot, that he would clean it up afterward.
I’ll have to take his word for that – since after he shot, I shot out the door, leaving him there.
Maybe I’ll let him have it again. Maybe not. I guess it is all in how the mood will strike both of us.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
DC in Two Parts - FUCK
Airport time: 4 hrs
Sleep time: 12 hours (over 2 days)
Work time: 19 hours (over 2 days)
Sex time: 10 hours (over 2 days)
9 Guys
11 Loads
As much as I love sucking (and you know I do), I find it very masculine to take a good hard fuck. Yeah, some would say to take it would be to be the bitch, the woman, the fag. And while I can certainly identify with two of those adjectives (and enjoy being called them in the heat of the act), I think it takes a real man to be pounded by a hard dick.
Yet, I’m not really good about asking for it most of the time. I leave the options open when I post an ad, just to feel the other guy out. I know I’ve mentioned it here before, but I try not to determine the course of the encounter – not exactly anyway. I might try to talk them into things….or drop subtle suggestions which the majority of time, then they think whatever activity we do is their idea.
But then there are the guys who I just out and out say “I bet you fuck GREAT” – and it’s all it takes to feed their ego and for them to prove me right. Sometimes they do – sometimes I let my dick think for me and I’m not pleasantly surprised.
One guy I contacted had fucked me before. A few times before, actually. Each time "Steve" and I hook-up, he is better and better. This time was no exception. I was at a nice hotel and I’m sure the staff wondered who this guy was – in his camo shorts, his tank-top exposing massive amounts of ink on his upper arms and this bleached hair that was sculpted into a spike-ish faux-hawk. On the elevator ride up, I could see he had gone commando. His third leg told me he was excited to be there.
Yes, there was a little sucking, but for the most part we both knew what we wanted and there was no dance leading up to it. I had already laid out the Gun Oil and poppers on the bed stand. I greased him up and stroked him just so. I didn’t want him overly excited. He reached down and played with my nipples – which just always closes the deal. I grabbed the poppers, leaned back, took a long hit in each nostril and waited for him. It wasn’t long before he was between my legs nudging his very plump rod at my backdoor.
As fat as his dick is – and it’s not beer can anything, but it’s a good girth – the man can make it feel comfortable. His speed, his agility, his finesse, really works for him – and for me too. His pounding isn’t pain-inducing, just intense lust.
It wasn’t the longest time session we had….but it was the best so far. Too soon he was on the edge and his groans told me – and probably my next door neighbors - that ejaculation was close or in progress. As usual, he hopped in the shower, I’m assuming to avoid detection with his partner (I’m not above having guys cheat with me), and then was out the door….until next time.
I decided to call it a night at that point, being close to 11p. As soon as I turned off my light, my cell phone rang. Like a fool I answered and got talked into letting another guy come over. He had to have responded to my ad and I had to have answered with my phone number – but for the life of me I couldn’t place him (hey! The ads were very well responded to). He lived five minutes away…blah blah blah. I figured, ‘how long can this take?’.
It didn’t take long, but it was too long….if you know what I mean. I know some guys don’t like man-smells and I appreciate that. I like them, but to a certain degree. But I’d rather have a rank smelling man, then one who bathes in cologne…..including his crotch. Who the fuck does that? I don’t want a nose full of musk/flowers/whatever as I approach his dick. It was disgusting. Also, I don’t necessarily mind smokers (per se), but seriously guys I’m going to tell you smokers something no one will in person – it’s one thing not to want to kiss because of tobacco and it’s another to have to be subjected to the smell of clearly a heavy smoker who has stale breath each and every time he exhales (which during sex can be often). And when they are on top of you, looking down, it is constant and a turn-off. The mixture of the cologne, the breath and the mint gum unsuccessfully trying to cover the breath was too much.
Anyway – he fucked me a little with his little dick, but I wasn’t into it and I think he got the non-verbal message. He still felt the need to pull his pud and shot a miniscule load onto my ass then pushed it into my hole with his fingers. He was out the door as soon as he dressed
The next morning I was up before the crack of dawn and placed yet another craigslist ad, while signing into Manhunt. It’s amazing how many people cross-post and are the same people cruising at the same time. It’s a pretty small community on some levels. I’m not moaning – I was/am one of these guys.
That morning responses were slow in coming. Maybe it was the heat – maybe folks got tired of my postings, though I changed up the scope and pictures. One guy I had found interesting on Manhunt conversed with me and then cut me off. Oddly enough, he contacted me via craigslist – I’m assuming not realizing I was the same guy. I wasn’t about to tell him. The guy was hot, hairy and hung. I wanted him.
“Ed” showed about 10 minutes later, true to his picture. I got on my knees and took this hardening cock out of his shorts. Soon he had me pinned between the hotel wall and his thighs. At first I found his voice to be kind of nelly, but the more the matter turned to sex – the more he made it turn hot.
As I was down there, Ed’s hands found my nipples and I was like jelly. He was smart enough to know he had me wherever he wanted me….which turned out to be on my back on the bed. He grabbed the oil and slicked his dick up. Soon he was balls deep in my butt and it felt good. He had a nice thick long dick….at least 7.5”. His hairy ripped torso was above me as he pushed in and out of me. I think he was hesitant about being in me raw for about 2.8 seconds. If he was indeed concerned he kept it to himself and gave into the feeling of skin on skin after a few internal strokes. Then he just went (w)hole hog. As it is usually, he got too close too soon. But when it’s a good fuck – what IS the time limit? It’s never long enough when the guy is good and know what he’s doing. His groans told me he was there……..and then beyond.
The guy pumped a big load up my ass – and one I would gladly take from him any time he wanted. It seems he is willing in this regard. You can bet my next trip to DC I will contact him for another go-round.
Shortly after Ed left, I had another visitor. Older than he said…..not as thin as he said, but you get used to that stuff – at least to a degree. The ad I had placed actually was for getting a morning load. Not giving. This guy wanted it all….but I didn’t. Not with him.
I did get him to fuck me….which he was actually ok at. He dumped a 3-4 day load in me adding to all the others before I had to shower and hit the Metro to White Flint (it’s a long-ish ride with a butt full of jizz). After he was done, he attempted to go down on me. I wanted to lose my load – but not to him…and I had a work schedule to keep. I was up front with not wanting to get off but that didn’t stop him from trying to swoop down on my dick. When I stopped him he got really huffy and muttered to himself (as he dressed) like I wasn’t even there about ‘him wanting to get fucked but not letting me suck him’.
It’s the good and the bad. I just take it as it cums.