Friday, September 21, 2007

100,000 +! Not the men I've "slept" with. Though potentially, I suppose it could be possible. Wilt Chamberlain has nothing on me. ...though his were with 'women'. ick.

Sometime late yesterday I surpassed the 100,000 time the blog has been accessed. I guess sex does sell. Not that I charge. For g-d's sakes....I might be a slut, I'm not a whore!

I know I have had over 100k hits, but I started the blog in mid 2005 but didn't attach a counter to the site until 2006. I'm only going by the time after I installed said counter. It's only fair.

I wanted to try to isolate the 100,000th person and congratulate them. Mind you- I could never actually tell who it was, just perhaps the city and country they were in. But I only can see the last 100 hits and I was at 100,110 when I noticed I went over into six-digits.

So whomever you were - congratulations. There is no cash prize. No gift certificate. No nothing. However, if you had a nice dick, full nuts and a filthy mouth - I might have dropped to my knees or on my back for ya!

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